Safeguarding Hilton: Empowering Community Safety with Central Communication
Safety is our priority

What is Hilton 911?
Conceived by the numerous local security organisations, Hilton 911 is a community-driven initiative to create a physical central communication point in order to proactively and reactively ensure the safety of all residents. The vision is to have a physical location, run by united effort, to link callers to appropriate emergency resources, and deploy them where necessary.
While Hilton has numerous resources which have dramatically improved Hilton’s security situation they are not centrally coordinated. Many rely heavily on the goodwill of individuals who love Hilton and are run by volunteers and/or depend on service subscriptions, so it may be difficult to know where to turn first in a time of need. Our goal is to create the safest community environment in South Africa.
It is not a replacement for any security company or the SAPS whose legal mandate stands

What we offer
If Hilton 911 is not established?

Help us to create the safest community environment in South Africa.
Consent to the formation of a UIP
For enquiries or to become a volunteer please email